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Podiatry from a students perspective!

Podiatry is one of the most misunderstood fields out there, and one which is most often confused with pediatrics (completely different field but we do learn about children's feet later on). When i first transitioned from law, i felt as if i was completely out of my depth. I was 27 years old and i decided to start my education all over. Needless to say, a lot of people that cared about me thought i had gone over the edge, lost my mind. In fact, the opposite is true. I've enjoyed every moment of studying podiatry and i'm only in my first year. At that time i could've used a blog page that gave me a crash course in podiatry before i entered it. This is what i plan to do, for any student that wishes to have a brief introduction into what studying podiatry is like, excellent reading materials that i wish i had read myself before enrolling and general enquires and misconceptions that i can tackle so future students don't have to.

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Ektaa Vadgama
Ektaa Vadgama
Mar 19, 2020

Thank you! I hope this can reach a lot of students and help them out!


Adelaid Marambakuyana
Adelaid Marambakuyana
Mar 19, 2020

So true my experience too, am sure this will help a lot of people even those that need our services

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