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Anyone that knows me, knows that topics surrounding branding are a particular interest of mine. Branding is exciting and ties into psychology and colour theory very neatly which can ultimately lead to brand loyalty. (Bastos and Levy, 2012)

Now you’re probably thinking, “Ektaa, you silly goose, what does this have to do with me?”


Hear me out

Let’s ignore the word ‘BRAND’ for a moment and replace it with ‘YOU’

Do ‘YOU’ think about the ways in which you dress?

Do ‘YOU’ think about the way you appear? Sound? come -across?

Do ‘YOU’ think about the people closest in your life and why they are loyal to ‘YOU’?

Do ‘YOU’ think about how you can become better and evolve?

Do people associate ‘YOU’ with a particular behaviour or image, heck even a colour scheme? “There goes Kermit, always wearing green”

I hate to burst your bubble, but you’re already in the branding game, may as well use it to your advantage. This isn’t just a fun marketing trick that all the cool kids are doing, this is a mindset shift.

Sure you can make temporary adjustments, pick a colour theme and stick to it or have a favourite saying that your clinic goes by. However, the temporary adjustments will remain temporary if you don’t make this an intrinsic part of your being.

If you’re lost and don’t know where to begin, then begin by asking yourself, “If my brand was a person, what would it look like?” OR.....

What are my values? If you can boil it down to 5 words then that's amazing. If you can boil it down to 3, then even better!

For example, some of mine are curiosity I'm forever asking questions, being fearless in spite of feeling afraid, raising awareness through various mediums, and evolution. Continuous growth by always asking that silly question or speaking to mentors/people I admire is incredibly important to me.

Who’s absolutely killing it in the branding game right now? I can immediately think of a handful of people such as Purple Potty Pod or Dave James

This is an amalgamation from a conversation I was having with a mentor of mine, seriously get yourself a mentor!

Again, this article isn’t a call to action. This is simply a thought exercise so have some fun with it!


Bastos, Wilson, and Sidney J. Levy. 2012. “A history in the concept of branding: practice and theory.” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 4, no. 3 (August): 347-368. 10.1108/17557501211252934.

Check out this website for more information on colour theory:

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