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My mom is a cool mom.... (don't try this at home)

I want to clarify, that I love my mom. Even though, she gets on my nerves because WE ARE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON! I love her, I do. One of the reasons being, her funny work stories. Here is one example! and for those of you that think I'm putting my mom on blast, I'M NOT! she gave me her permission to use this story.. so don't come for me! ... I bite.

She was telling me about her patient, she came in and sat down on the chair and turns out she had her toes amputated. The first thing my mom said is, "the little piggies went to the market .. and then what happened? Did they get lost?"

This woman... My jaw DROPPED! I'm dead! Luckily, my mom is adorable and she had per patient in stitches.. no puns intended.

The point I wanted to highlight was that there are many reasons for amputation. One of which is called a reperfusion injury. No, I didn't stutter nor am I concussed. (On a good day)

A reperfusion injury: its the primary cause of amputation after acute arterial occlusion. (Fancy-pants Me means to say clotting) it's often called Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury or reoxygenation injury and its what happens when blood returns to tissue after a period of ... no blood. (I didn't know how else to phrase that, sorry, not-sorry) you can read more about it on wikipedia, which I find easy to read along to. (don't judge me)

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